Mid Conference Tour

Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave

Akiyoshidai is one of the largest karst plateaus in the Japanese archipelago, with numerous limestone caves of various sizes. Akiyoshido Cave is a limestone cave located 100 to 200 m below Akiyoshidai, with a total length of more than 8,000 m. The cave has a well-developed groundwater system, which is inhabited by many cave dwelling groundwater invertebrates such as cyclopoids, amphipods, isopods, and mollusks.

Our forthcoming mid conference tour will include a visit to Akiyoshido Cave and observation of groundwater invertebrates.

Entrance of the cave Distant view of the cave Stalactite

Tour Plan

Date: June 5, 2024
Time: 7:15-21:15
Destination: Akiyoshido Cave, Yuda Onsen, and Kintaikyo Bridge (Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan)

Tour Schedule

Joueiji Temple Sesshu Garden Yamaguchi Xavier Memorial Church
Foot Bath 1 Foot Bath 2
Indoor onsen Semi-outdoor onsen

* Bring your own ICOC name tag, otherwise you may not be able to join.
* Arriving at your bus 10 minutes before the listed departure times is appreciated!
* You may bring a hat and a light jacket. It will be hot during the day but may be cool in the Akiyoshido Cave and nighttime.
* This mid-conference tour is financially supported by the Japan Tourism Agency. We appreciate your cooperation with answering the questionnaire (see the programme booklet).


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